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Year 1

Class Teachers:

Mr M Wilson


Teaching Assistants:

Mrs L Brown (Class Teaching Assistant)

Miss G Newton

Miss A Martin

Miss A Ballantyne

Miss L Blaze

Welcome to Year 1


The changes from Reception class to Year 1 can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. We have curated our curriculum to meet the needs of all our pupils and to provide them with a varied but familiar structure.


Foundation subjects (often known as Topics) are taught in modules which allow learners to deepen their understanding and improve both short term and long-term memory.


In Autumn term 1, we uncover key knowledge within ourselves and deepen experiences through Art, Science, D&T, History and PSHE.

Religious Education (RE) and Music are taught weekly by Mrs Harris (Thursday PM.)

Phonics & Reading


In Year 1, children learn to read using phonics. At Ormsgill, we follow the Little Wandle Letters & Sounds scheme. Each day we learn a new sound.


Reading books are closely matched to phonics learning. Children should read frequently to ensure they keep up-to-date and make maximum progress.


Children should be able to read a phonics book fluently before they progress to the next book.


For more information about our phonics program, click here.

Click the links below to find out more about our learning!

If you have any questions regarding your child's learning or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher via the Class Dojo messaging service or contact the school office on 01229  830431.


Please be aware that staff may not respond immediately and Class Dojo quiet times are set between 5:30pm and 8:00am, Monday to Friday, and throughout the weekend.
