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Art & Design

Our Art & Design topics in Year 1 are:


Autumn Term

🎨 Drawing: Make your mark

🎨 Painting and mixed media: Colour splash


Spring Term

🎨 Sculpture and 3D: Paper play


Summer Term

🎨 Craft and design: Woven wonders

This term, Year 1 are making a splash with colour!


We will be learning about the three primary colours; making secondary colours; the wonderful Jasper Johns and Clarice Cliff and how to use paints for printing.

Make a Splash Knowledge Organiser

In our first lesson, we mixed the primary colours to make secondary colours and made our own plasticine models.

In our second lesson, we made Jasper Johns inspired paintings. We learned to mix primary colours to produce secondary colours.

In lesson three, we learned to print using Lego bricks. We overlapped colours to create interesting patterns.

In lesson four, we created shades of green and painted our hands. We learned to experiment with different amounts of paint to create different hues and tones.
