* SPRING TERM - What are we learning?*
English - Key reading, writing, grammar, comprehension, spelling and language skills taught through a wide variety of text-types (Poetry, Playscripts, Formal letters of application, 3rd Person stories set in another culture and Biographies.
Maths - Multiplication and division, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Perimeter and Area and Statistics.
Whole-Class Novel - The Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare / The boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen / Dreadwood by Jennifer Killick / Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Science - Forces / Earth and Space
PE - Swimming & Football / Dance
History - Maya and Anglo-Saxons
Geography - 4 and 6 Figure Grid References
ICT - Selection in physical computing / Flat File Databases
Art - Sculpture and 3D: Interactive Installation
Design and Technology - Developing a recipe / Bridges
RE - What can we learn about the meaning of life from great thinkers?
PSHE - Health and Well-being / Safety and the changing body
French - On the move / Going shopping
Music - Composing and Chords / Enjoying musical styles
Weekly Timetable - Spring One
Spring Term - Knowledge Organisers