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Mrs Harris (Nursery Class Teacher) and Mrs Studt (Nursery Teaching Assistant) are the staff in Nursery this year.

Autumn Term

This term is all about getting the children settled and establishing routines within the Nursery setting. We want children to come in with smiles on their faces, excited to come in and get busy!

Learning through exploration and play is key to our learning as we believe this is the best and most natural way for children to learn.   


Our topic for this term is 'Marvellous Me'. We will be making self-portraits and talking about similarities and differences between ourselves and others. We will talk about people in our families and people who are important to us. We will learn lots of songs and rhymes and play lots of circle games to enable us to get to know our friends and develop important listening and turn taking skills.



Nursery Curriculum Overview

Knowledge Organiser

Nursery Information



In Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Page copies of a document called ‘What to expect when’ will be placed on our noticeboard in the cloakroom. This is an excellent break down of the steps in development in each area of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and it will support you as parents in understanding and supporting your child’s learning. 


Physical Development

Physical development is a key area of the Early Years curriculum. As well as enjoying lots of practical activities outside, we have a weekly PE session in the school hall. This half-term the children will be taking part in movement sessions with Bronte as well as weekly Yoga sessions with Liane from YoKids. 



In Nursery we will be exploring the outdoors in all weathers! We have a wonderful outdoor area for the young children but it can get very muddy. We are very fortunate to have all in one waterproof suits for our children, but we do ask that you provide your child with a pair of wellies. Please ensure children's names are written inside. 


Each week we will take part in Forest Friday activities together with the children from the Reception class. For many children this becomes the favourite part of the week. We get kitted up and spend the morning outdoors. We encourage children to find out about the outside world, creatures and habitats, explore using their senses and use natural materials to make pictures or dens etc.





We aim to communicate openly and effectively with parents/carers at all times. Class Dojo is a great way to send messages between home and school whereas Tapestry allows us to focus upon recording and sharing significant achievements in your child's learning and development. We encourage parents also to share  ‘WOW’ moments from home. There may be things that your child does at home that we don't see at school! 



As well as selecting a child to wear the ‘Golden Jumper’ each week, we give out a daily 'Monster of the Day' certificate which links to the monster dojo points that children collect further up school. 




