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Personal Development

*Please check our school's social media pages to see our Personal Development in action!*


At Ormsgill Nursery and Primary School, we are committed to providing a purposeful and empowering curriculum that fully prepares learners for the next steps in their lives - both in their school career and the wider world. We want our children to aspire to achieve and be the best versions of themselves. It is essential that they understand the world they live in. Broadening our children's horizons and giving them the belief that they are capable of achieving great things drives our curriculum. Our Personal Development offer gives the children the knowledge and understanding they need to make informed choices and to be a positive influence in the communities they live in. We want our children to be able to manage life's challenges and embrace life for what it is.


Today's children and young people are growing up in an ever-changing, complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many exciting opportunities, but also poses challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. Our aim is to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team-working and critical thinking. 


We pride ourselves on providing an environment which is safe, nurturing and inclusive, allowing all pupils to thrive and mature into well-informed young people. Our PSHE and RSE Curriculum supports this and we aim to embrace the many talents and interests of our pupils that go beyond the curriculum by offering links with businesses, projects, themed days, educational visits and after-school clubs. Overall, we want our learners to feel empowered by the opportunities we provide for them which will hopefully follow and motivate them for the rest of their lives.

Our SCMAT Values

What are we doing? 


  • Mini Police Officers
  • School Parliament
  • Forest Schools
  • Anne Frank Ambassadors
  • Parliament Week
  • Rivers and Sustaining Habitats Workshop ran by local charity
  • Fundraisers
  • Primary Engagement Days and STEM Days at Furness College
  • Connections with FESP
  • Water Waste Workshops with United Utilities
  • Inspiring Infants Sports Clubs with BCSC
  • Engineering Project with Orsted
  • From Farm to Fork Workshops with Tesco
  • Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
  • Involvements with Bright Stars projects
  • Junior Citizens Scheme
  • Workshops with Lancaster University
  • STEM clubs ran by BAE Systems
  • Financial Workshops ran by Everfi 
  • First Aid Workshops 
  • Author visits - in person and online
  • Knife Crime workshops ran by the PRU
  • Extra-curricular sports - Yoga, Karate, Tri-golf, Cyclewise, Wheelchair Basketball
  • Inspiring Barrow - History Detectives (metal detecting) 
  • Visits from people who help us in Early Years (paramedics, police officers etc)
  • Visits to the Life Boat Station
  • Young Voices and choir
  • Community work (litter-picks, planting flowers in the town centre)
  • Family Learning
  • Makaton (Sign of the Week)