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Reading and writing are fundamental skills that started in Early Years and developed in Year 1. We will uncover a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry throughout the year, learning skills to become fantastic storytellers.


As well as modern classics, we also introduce new and exciting texts which encourage learners to become lifelong readers and writers.

We will practice lots of the skills you learned in Reception and build on them.


Here is what we will cover each term.

This term, we will read The Everywhere Bear by Julia Donaldson, The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas and The Nut Tree by Julia Donaldson.


These stories and poem will be our key texts. Each one will inspire children to talk and write using their own ideas.


Our primary focus will be to engage pupils so that they can begin to write words, phrases and sentences with increasing independence.

The Everywhere Bear


Inspired by Julia Donaldson's beloved story, we have our very own bear who loves to visit pupils at home!


Each week, a different child will bring home the bear. Parents and carers are invited to share photos and videos via Class Dojo so that children can share what they get up to at the weekend.
