* AUTUMN TERM - What are we learning?*
English - Key reading, writing, grammar, comprehension, spelling and language skills taught through a wide variety of text-types (Poetry, 1st Person Myths and Legends (using dialogue), Formal letters of application, 3rd Person stories set in another culture, Balanced arguments and Character description).
Maths - Place value, Addition and subtraction, Multiplication and division and Fractions.
Whole-Class Novel - Impossible Creatures by Katherine Rundell / Who let the Gods out? by Maz Evans / Shackleton's Journey by William Grill / Journey to Jo'burg by Beverley Naidoo
Science - Properties and Change of materials / Animals, including humans
PE - Gymnastics / Karate
History - Ancient Greece
Geography - World Countries - Biomes and Environmental regions
ICT - Systems and searching / Creating media - Video production
Art - Drawing / Painting and Mixed media - Portraits
Design and Technology - Pop-up books / Monitoring devices
RE - Why do some people believe in God and others don't? / How has Christianity and Humanism impacted on music and art through history? (Christianity and Islam)
PSHE - Being Me in the World / Celebrating Difference
French - Key vocabulary revision (including numbers to 79), All around Town
Music - Melody and harmony in music / Sing and play in different styles
Weekly Timetable - Autumn One
Weekly Timetable - Autumn Two
Autumn Term - Knowledge Organisers