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Design & Technology

Our Vision


At Ormsgill School, teachers adapt and deliver the Kapow scheme of work for Design & Technology (D&T). We ensure that our curriculum is broad and varied, teaching D&T through half-termly modules. Each year, children build on their knowledge and prior experiences, supporting long-term memory and ensuring learning is purposeful and relevant. This gives children the opportunity to consolidate and deepen their prior knowledge, as well as expand on and improve their skills further.


The Kapow scheme of work follows the National Curriculum, which outlines the three main stages of the design process: design, make and evaluate. D&T learning is underpinned by technical knowledge which encompasses the contextual, historical and technical understanding required for each strand.


Adaptations for SEND pupils


The D&T curriculum at Ormsgill is accessible for all learners. Where applicable, adaptations are made on an individual basis. Supporting staff members and class teachers collaborate to plan and deliver effective lessons which stimulate all pupils.


Adaptations may include chunking learning into smaller, manageable tasks that still build up to an end product or supporting any sensory needs. Frequently, activities are set up in the Hive for children to access D&T at their own pace.

Key Vocabulary


The following documents clearly outline the key words and terminology used within each lesson. We promote the use of specific language and ensure children have a deeper understanding of etymology and word meanings. We believe this allows learners to fully understand key concepts.

Reception - Key Vocabulary

Year 1 - Key Vocabulary

Year 2 - Key Vocabulary

Year 3 - Key Vocabulary

Year 4 - Key Vocabulary

Year 5 - Key Vocabulary

Year 6 - Key Vocabulary
